Plumbing Permit Process

In accordance with the Building Act 2016, altering or installing an onsite wastewater management system requires a plumbing permit to be issued by Council. To apply for a plumbing permit, complete the below plumbing permit application form and submit it together with a report from a qualified onsite wastewater management system designer and payment of the relevant application fees.

Council will then assess the application to ensure that the proposed design complies the Australian Standard for domestic onsite wastewater management systems and also that the plumbing requirements that arise out of the Building Act 2016 have been met. This can sometimes require a written request from Council to the plumbing permit applicant for further information from the system designer.

Once Council is satisfied with the application and the proposed design, a plumbing permit will be issued that can be passed onto a licensed Plumber to undertake the works.

The information package document below explains the plumbing permit process in more detail and lists all the relevant documents that need to be submitted with your application. It also includes a list of currently accredited Onsite Wastewater Management System Designers.