Each year, Council provides thousands of native plant seedlings to Landcare groups and local landowners to support revegetation projects.
The Huon Valley Landcare Nursery was launched in 2023 by Council and Landcare Tasmania to establish a sustainable supply of native plants grown from locally collected seeds and cuttings.
In 2024, nursery volunteers grew over 4,000 plants from 52 different species, which contributed to revegetation projects spanning over 9ha.
Plants are provided for revegetation projects that meet the following criteria:
- The project is well-planned with appropriate, and site preparation and post-planting maintenance actions.
- The project will achieve one or more of the following outcomes:
- provide native habitat
- increase biodiversity
- improve or expand a threatened vegetation community or threatened species habitat.
- improve or protect soil or water health
- contribute to strategic weed control
- Improve amenity of a public place
- provide an educational resource
- The project is feasible with appropriate landowner permission.
NRM staff can provide assistance with planning revegetation projects.
For assistance with planning, or information on how to order native plants for a revegetation project, contact the NRM Unit on 6264 0300 or nrm@huonvalley.tas.gov.au