The Huon Valley Council is responsible for the management of vegetation within its road reserves in accordance with the Local Government (Local Highways) Act 1982, and Council’s Rural Roadside Vegetation – No Spray Policy. Control methods include slashing and the use of herbicide to manage vegetation growing along road verges to reduce fire hazards, improve sight distance and to ensure surface water runoff by maintaining free flowing drains.

If you do not wish Council to spray the frontage of your property, you must apply to Council to be excluded from the herbicide spraying program. You may only apply for exclusion from the herbicide spraying program for the property frontage that you own or occupy. You can apply via the interactive form found at the bottom of this page.

The No Spray Register does not apply in townships or where roadside infrastructure exists such as around guard railing, barrier fencing and bridge approaches. Upon successful application, the applicant is to ensure roadside vegetation control is managed in accordance with the Rural Roadside Vegetation – No Spray Policy. If inspection shows that maintenance is not being carried out in accordance with the policy, the applicant will be notified in writing and given 30 days to carry out the required work. If the required work is not completed, Council may reinstate the spray area by removal of your property from the No Spray Register.

Please note that the deadline for adding your property to the register is 31st July each year. Applications received after this date may not be included until the following year.

Prior to the start of Council’s annual spraying program registered properties will receive a reminder of the expectations of remaining on the No Spray Register. Please note that this application excludes State roads. A list of State roads can be found on the LISTmap website.

No Spray Register

(from your rates notice)
(road, house number and general description)
Does the area referred to in this application contain high priority weeds?(Required)
Weeds of the Huon Valley can be found in our Weed Management section. Please note that if declared/high priority weeds are identified on your road frontage then spot spraying and/or cut and paste treatment may be undertaken by Council to meet legislative requirements.
I have read and understand the “Rural Roadside Vegetation – No Spray Policy” and acknowledge that non- compliance with the Policy or failure to maintain the area effectively will result in removal from the register.