The Huon Valley is home to a number of rare and threatened species which are under pressure from a range of impacts such as habitat fragmentation and destruction, road and vehicle related mortality, limited forage and/or breeding habitat.
Eastern barred bandicoot (Perameles gunnii)
Although seemingly common in the region, Eastern barred bandicoots are prone to predation from pets and disturbance from habitat destruction. On the mainland, they are extinct in South Australia and critically endangered in Victoria, principally due to fox and cat predation, and large scale habitat clearing. In order to protect them, bush clumps within and adjacent to pastureland should be retained to provide suitable nesting and refuge habitat (add link to habitat corridors in pastureland).
Eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus) and spotted tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus)
Still a fairly common sight in the Huon Valley, the eastern and spotted tailed quoll are extinct and threatened on the mainland, respectively. Threats to their persistence included habitat fragmentation and unwarranted persecution. Both species of quolls are fully protected in Tasmania and any livestock wildlife conflict managed through passive protection (e.g. predator proof fencing) only.
Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
A habitat generalist but under threat from vehicle related mortality and facial tumour disease, Tasmanian devils have become a rare sight in the Huon Valley. Devils are often killed by vehicles while scavenging on road kill, making timely removal of carcasses important. Devils are attracted to small livestock and may be seen as a problem animal. Listed by both the state and federation as endangered, devils are wholly protected and passive protection methods must only be used to limit devil access to poultry (e.g. predator proof fencing).
Mt Mangana stag beetle (Lissotes menalcas)
A flightless beetle, the Mt Mangana stag beetle inhabits dead wood in wet forests in Huon Valley, Derwent Valley, Bruny Island, and the Tasman Peninsula. It’s unmistakable appearance; characterized by its enlarged mandibles, makes it easily identifiable. Being a habitat specialist, clearing of forests, wood removal, and fire are its main threats. Clearing of any forest areas should be avoided unless properly permitted by the relevant authorities and removal of dead wood avoided.
If you spot any of these species, please take a picture or short video and email this to along with a locality description (GPS coordinates are best). You can also log sightings on the iNaturalist website ( Any confirmed iNaturalist observations are automatically added to the Tasmanian Natural Values Atlas.