There are over a dozen threatened vegetation communities mapped in the Huon Valley area outside of the World Heritage Area, these are predominantly made up of four key eucalyptus species communities dominated by gums or peppermints. See below brief descriptions adapted from From Forest to Fjaeldmark: Descriptions of Tasmania’s Vegetation (Edition 2).

Vegetation community dominated by Black Gums

Eucalyptus ovata forest and woodland, TASVEG code: DOV

This community is generally found growing on drainage flats and moderate to poorly drained fertile soils. These forests have been cleared extensively from river valleys and flats for agricultural development, so old growth stands of this forest are very rare. Trees are found at <10m to >20m tall in this community. White gums are often the subdominant species.

Vegetation community dominated by Blue Gums

Eucalyptus globulus dry forest and woodland, TASVEG code: DGL

This community is found on dolerite ridges, slopes and flats. Blue gums are found at <20m to about 40m tall in this community. Other eucalypts share this forest or woodland community, including black peppermints, white peppermints, white gums, black gums and stringybarks.

Vegetation community dominated by Silver Peppermints

Eucalyptus tenuiramis forest and woodland on sediments, TASVEG code: DTO

This community is found on dry sunny sites. Silver peppermints are found at 25m or less in this community. Other eucalypts share this community, including snow gums, candlebarks, white gums and stringybarks. Due to frequent fires allowing for rapid replacement, old growth stands of this forest are very rare.

Vegetation community dominated by Black Peppermints

Eucalyptus amygdalina forest and woodland on sandstone, TASVEG code: DAS

This community is found on undulating sandstones with deep soils and good drainage. Black peppermints are found at 25m or less in this community. Stringybarks and white gums are often found to be subdominant in this community with silver wattle as a common understory tree.

Additional Resources

Threatened Native Vegetation Communities | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (

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