Dark storm clouds fill the sky with the text Storm Recovery Drop-in session in bold white letters on the left side of the image.

As we try to understand the full impact of the recent storm and flash flooding, we are reaching out to support community and connect residents with available recovery support agencies.

As part of our recovery support, we are hosting a drop-in session at the Huon Valley Hub for community members affected by the recent storm. On-site will be support and counselling services including: A Tasmanian Lifeline, Red Cross, Business Enterprise Centre, Housing Connect, RACT and the Salvation Army.

Storm Recovery Drop-In Session
Thursday 25 August
4pm – 7pm
Huon Valley Hub
23 Main Street, Huonville

We are also offering free access to the Southbridge Waste Transfer Station for those households directly impacted by the storm and flash flooding on 13 and 14 August. To be assessed for this service, you will need to provide your name, address and proof of damage including any photos (if available) to recovery@huonvalley.tas.gov.au

For more information, phone Council’s Recovery Coordinator on 03 6264 0300.