The Tasmanian Planning Scheme maps as per the TPC decision are now available for public viewing on Council’s GIS portal: TPS | Huon Valley (

Please note that these maps are for reference purposes only. The Tasmanian Planning Commission will review them in the coming weeks to ensure the zones align with their directions.

Direction given on 12 July 2024

Huon Valley Council was given the direction from the Tasmanian Planning Commission on 12th July 2024 that the Tasmanian Planning Scheme (Huon Valley Local Provision Schedule and State Planning Provisions) will take effect from Saturday, 20th July 2024.

A copy of this decision, which includes the final Huon Valley Local Provisions Schedule, can be found on the Tasmanian Planning Commission website:

The Tasmanian Planning Commission will contact everyone who lodged a representation regarding the zoning of their land. If you have any questions around the decision, please contact the Tasmanian Planning Commission on (03) 6165 6828.

What this means for planning applications

If you already have a valid planning application under assessment at Council, there will be no change to your assessment process. Your valid application will still be assessed under the Interim Planning Scheme (IPS) which is the scheme that was in place when you submitted your application.

If you have lodged an application and been advised in writing by Council that it is not yet ‘valid’ – then the scheme (IPS or TPS) that is in effect once the application becomes valid will apply.

If your application is not yet valid, please contact the planning officer working on your application to discuss how to make your application valid.

Council has been advised that PlanBuild Tasmania and ListMap will be updated to reflect the new planning scheme in 4-6 weeks of the TPS effective date.