The Department of Education, Children and Young People (DECYP) have recently launched their Tell Someone website. The initiative is part of their ongoing work and strong commitment to keep children and young people safe.
In a news post on their website, they share what the initiative is all about (Tell someone – website launched – Department for Education, Children and Young People):
“The Tell Someone website gives information, support and contacts for people affected by child sexual abuse and grooming.
It gives children and young people clear advice on what to do in situations where they feel worried, unsafe or unsure.
It also gives direction and support to adults if they suspect or know a child is being groomed or sexually abused, or is at risk of harm.
We developed the Tell Someone website in consultation with children and young people, victim-survivors and child safety and abuse prevention professionals. It uses a trauma-informed approach to share information on this important topic.
While child sexual abuse is a confronting subject and can be difficult to discuss, we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about it.
It’s important that everyone in the community knows they can play a role in keeping children safe by speaking up and taking action.
To find out more, visit the Tell Someone website, read the information, and understand how you can help to keep children and young people safe online and offline. If reading this information has caused you distress, support is available.”