Suitably experienced contractors and suppliers are invited to provide tender submissions for the following Council services:
TN198 – Exclusive Supply of Trade Labour 2023-2026 (accredited builders, licensed electricians, painters, licensed plumbers, licensed arborists)
TN199 – Supply and/or Delivery of Concrete, Gravels and Loams
TN200 – Re-sheeting Program 2023-2024
TN201 – Place and Finish Concrete 2023-2024
A copy of the Tender document must be obtained by registering your details via the Council’s Tenderlink website: www.tenderlink.com/huonvalley.
Please direct any enquiries to Council’s Infrastructure Climate and Environmental Services Department by emailing hvc@huonvalley.tas.gov.au with the relevant tender number in the subject line.
Neither the lowest, nor any tender, will necessarily be accepted.
Responses must be lodged via Tenderlink. Responses submitted by facsimile, email, mail, hand delivered or by telephone will not be accepted for evaluation.
Tenders must be received by 5:00pm on Wednesday 30 August 2023.