Vote on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice on Saturday 14 October 2023.
The date for the Voice referendum has now been announced and voting is compulsory.
Voters will be asked to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on a single question.
The question on the ballot paper will be:
“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
Do you approve this proposed alteration?”
For more information about the Voice, please see below.
For information on enrolment and voting visit: Referendum 2023 (aec.gov.au)
Early voting centres open in Tasmania on Monday 2 October 2023.
The Huon Valley Council believes it is important, as a welcoming diverse community,
that we support open, honest and respectful debate on social issues that affect
First Nations people.
The Australian Government has launched an information campaign to help Australians be informed about the Voice referendum, which will be held later this year.
The referendum is about whether the Constitution should be changed to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
Like a regular federal election, it’s compulsory for all eligible Australians aged 18 years and over to vote.
However for many Australians, this will be their first experience with a referendum.
To ensure all Australians are informed, materials are available in a number of languages, with dedicated resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, and additional materials in accessible formats such as Auslan interpreted videos and easy-read English.
For more information, visit The Voice.
Or you can download an information booklet.
There is also a community toolkit, including videos and fact sheets.
Or you can contact the National Indigenous Australians Agency on ☎ (02) 6271 5111.
*The Huon Valley Council passed a motion to share neutral information about the Voice at the June council meeting.