A two-story brick building with large windows and a central entrance marked Municipal Hall & Offices. Three flagpoles stand outside, and a white car is parked in front.

Suitably experienced contractors are invited to provide tender submissions for the following Council services:


A copy of the Tender document must be obtained by registering your details via the Council’s Tenderlink website: www.tenderlink.com/huonvalley.

Please direct any enquiries to Council’s Infrastructure Services Department by emailing sbatt@huonvalley.tas.gov.au with the relevant tender number in the subject line.


Neither the lowest, nor any tender, will necessarily be accepted. Responses submitted by facsimile, email, mail, hand delivered or by telephone will not be accepted for evaluation.

 Summary of Works

This tender is for the demolition and construction of Burtons Reserve amenities building.  An indicative program of works is provided in the tender documents. The Contract shall be for the period of the identified project or until 30 June 2020, whichever is the earlier in time.

Tenders must be received by 5:00pm on Wednesday 2 October 2019 AEST