Close-up of purple wildflowers blooming in a grassy field. The bright flowers have delicate petals with a hint of blue, surrounded by green stems and foliage, against a blurred natural background.

This purple menace covers about 40 million hectares in Australia and costs farmers over $250 million every year. You can help us get rid of it.

Paterson’s Curse (also known as Salvation Jane) is a fast-growing invader that is considered one of the worst pasture weeds of Southern Australia. It has the capacity to destroy large areas of grazing land, and it is toxic to grazing animals – especially horses. It is a declared weed in Tasmania, which means property owners have a legal obligation to eradicate this weed on their land.

Have you seen it?

  • Blooms in spring and summer
  • Purple, trumpet-shapedflowers (2cm–3cm long)
  • Hairy stems and leaves
  • Grows to about 20cm high, flower stems about 25cm long

We need your help to protect our environment from the spread of this weed. Please report local sightings to Council via (03) 6264 9439 or

Information on weed management, including developing your own weed management plan, can be found on our Weeds and the Huon Valley webpage.